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7 Insane Sex Myths That Are Actually True

No, we didn’t believe it at first either!

1. That size doesn’t matter

Yes, we know your partner says otherwise. Science begs to differ though.

2. That men can have multiple orgasms

Just because most men are satisfied with one, doesn’t mean they can’t have multiple.

3. That men hit their peak at the age of seventeen

Don’t take our word for it; several studies by leading experts suggest that boys do indeed hit their sexual peak at the age of seventeen. You may now Google where to buy a time machine to back to the age of 17 in peace.

4. That men can never fake it

Or well, that’s what they’d have you think. Ladies, beware.

5. That men are, on the whole, more excited sexually than women

While we are all for gender equality, research suggests otherwise.

6. That the chances of having a heart attack during intercourse are higher

Just a little friendly reminder to keep in mind the next time things get a bit too frisky in the bedroom.

7. That women fall in love during intercourse due to release of certain hormones 

Oxytocin, what art thou doing? 

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